

Created by Luis Gonzalez-Yante

Github: ctangel

RevealEditor is an text editor built for HTML presentation platform reveal.js

RevealEditor allows you to write and run Javascript, HTML, and CSS from within a presention and shows you the results without ever exiting fullscreen presentation mode.

Go ahead and click on the RevealEditor button on the top left corner and play around with the RevealEditor

If want to take code from the slide you are currently on, then you can simply press the COPY button.

For the COPY button to work properly, you must add the class 'js', 'html', or 'css' depending on the type of code being on the slide.


function add( x, y ) {
    return x + y;

var val = add(3, 4);


Why penguins are better than people?

  • They are cute.
  • They are good swimmers.
  • They look good in tuxes.


body {
    background: blue;